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In this week’s episode of The CineSnob Podcast, the guys from CineSnob.net review “San Andreas,” “Aloha,” and “Nightingale.” They also discuss their recent appearance on Texas Public Radio, the cancellation of “Tron 3,” and a silly debate over whether or not George Clooney is a movie star.
[0:00-9:18] Intro, pickle talk, TPR “The Source†wrap up
[9:18-26:24] Is George Clooney a movie star? (Of course he is)
[26:24-39:09] Tron 3 is cancelled by Disney
[39:09-52:50] San Andreas
[52:50-1:07:49] Aloha
[1:07:49-1:18:22] Nightingale
[1:18:22-1:30:01] Teases for next week and close
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