
“Any discussion of the film starts and ends with David Oyelowo’s electric portrayal of Dr. King.”

The Imitation Game

“An often-fascinating study into a slice of history that remained a secret for three decades.”


“Somber and unquestionably dark, yet it is slow moving to the point of feeling labored and cold.”

Top Five

“Most fun when Rock gets to let loose, be himself and parade out his cavalcade of comedian friends.”


“A fascinating collection of footage that feels essential, regardless of where you lie on the issue.”

Horrible Bosses 2

“Has no real reason to exist and is less funny and inferior in every way to its predecessor.”

Dumb and Dumber To

“A series of brutally humorless puns and easy jokes at the expense of messing up turns of phrases.”

Big Hero 6

“Adventure-packed enough to be an entertaining, albeit underwhelming experience.”

John Wick

“After a well-executed set-up, anything unique or higher-level gets lost in a blaze of bullets.”


“Succeeds is in its character designs on a very general level and in its action sequences.”

Kill the Messenger

“A mostly well-driven narrative and a great performance from Renner make this a story worth telling.”