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This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod have a spoiler-filled discussion of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,” the insanity of “Cats,” and the pulled punches of “Bombshell.” Click here to download the episode!
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“Hart and Cranston produce a few sincere moments…but it’s nowhere near memorable.”
Boy Erased

“Doesn’t simplify its characters. It wants audiences to understand the complexities of the relationships.”
The Beguiled

“Compelling storytelling. A horrifying look into the complex intricacies of human nature.”

“Tender, sincere and will definitely be a hard watch for anyone who has ever lost a child or parent.”
“It may be Chan-wook Park’s first foray into the American film industry, but he’s made an impression.”
Just Go With It
“Goes for the cheap jokes and comes up with punch lines to match.”
Rabbit Hole
“Captures a mother’s anguish and also fleshes out sensitivity, bitterness, and humor.”
“Might well be the most disappointing film of the year.”