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“An absorbing narrative that explores the conflict between free will and religious obligation effectively.”

Ep. 111 – Annihilation, Game Night

This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod review “Annihilation” and “Game Night.” The guys are also baffled by James Gunn’s revelation that Baby Groot isn’t Groot reincarnated, but actually Groot’s son. Click here to download the episode!

Game Night

“With sharp jokes, queasy-worthy violence and some nicely timed movie references, the comedy scores.'”


“Takes the research and backroom politics of investigative journalism and turns it into an art form.”

About Time

“A delightful, wonderfully surprising screenplay about the relationship between a father and son.”

To the Wonder

“Exactly why Terrence Malick detractors don’t give him a fair shake. And this time they’re right.”

The Vow

“Although it occasionally comes off as sincere, the story is too schmaltzy. It’s a lazy effort.”

Midnight in Paris

“A smartly-written romantic comedy fit with a charming little time-traveling storyline.”

Morning Glory

“Pointless, harmless, and sometimes even a little funny, but ultimately forgettable.”

Sherlock Holmes

“Amped up for a new generation, the storyline is more soupy that scholarly.”

State of Play

“As tightly written as a front-page story grinded out by a veteran reporter.”

The Lucky Ones

“A set of stories far too unbelievable to latch onto in any way.”