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On this year- and decade-ending mega-sized episode of The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod run down their top ten movies of 2019, and dig into the archives to compare their top ten films of the 2010s! Click here to download the episode!
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“A master class in expression and gesture presented by Charlotte Rampling with impressive conviction.”

“An underwhelming and surface level film that never truly inspires enough empathy.”
The Hateful Eight

“Second-tier Tarantino, but there’s plenty to enjoy. Full of smartly written dialogue and absurd violence.”
Daddy’s Home

“The satisfying mishmash of broad and dry humor does the trick more often than not.”

“Smith is completely believable, but it misses an opportunity to delve deeper into the football culture.”

“Dragged down by a confusing tone, but makes up for it…during the QVC portions of the story.”
The Big Short

“An exaggerated ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ that registers as phony and too shallow for its own good.”

“The romance can be stilted at times, but it’s hard not to appreciate the cinematic composition.”

“A compelling albeit frustrating mess. Not an experience many would consider unpretentious.”
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

“Essentially serves up a greatest hits remix of original trilogy plot points.”

“A knock-out, crowd-pleasing success. Stand up and cheer for ‘Creed,’ the man and the movie.”