This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod review “Jumanji: The Next Level,” “Richard Jewell,” and “6 Underground.” They also discuss the newly-released Houston Film Critics Society award nominees, and how their picks differed from the final ballot. Click here to download the episode!
Ep. 88 – Sully, Transpecos, and the various delights of cable TV programming
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod review Sully, Transpecos, talk about watching movies they own on TV, what cable networks can get away with saying, and brainstorm an idea for a podcast covering some as-yet-undetermined terrible new Netflix sitcom. [00:00-30:11] Intro/cable […]

“A well-performed, acceptable tale of American heroism, despite Eastwood’s complete lack of subtlety.”
Ep. 52 – Inside Out, Dope, Brad Pitt movie headed to Netflix for $60m, and Tom Hanks to play Captain Sully for Clint Eastwood
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Click here to download the episode! In this week’s episode of The CineSnob Podcast, the guys from review “Inside Out” and “Dope.” They also discuss Brad Pitt’s new film that Netflix paid $60 million for and Tom Hanks being cast as Captain Sully […]
American Sniper

“At the very least, a return to form for Clint Eastwood, a director in the twilight of his career.”
Trouble with the Curve
“Both the baseball and relationship elements are as well-worn as an old little league glove.”
“Left with profound questions lingering in a screenplay that merely skims the surface.”
“Captures the essence of Nelson Mandela’s political achievement and activism.”
Gran Torino
“Another solid piece of work from Eastwood, but one that would easily feel ordinary without him taking the lead.”
“The problems lie in J. Michael Straczynski’s overambitious script.”