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This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod review the 21st Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, and first with a female lead, “Captain Marvel.” They also take a deep dive into the HBO documentary “Leaving Neverland” and what it means for the legacy of a dead entertainer now considered monstrous by part of the populace. […]

Vox Lux

“Director Brady Corbet means to say something contentious about the culture of celebrity.”

Black Sea

“Follows a series of tropes while, interestingly enough, becoming too twisty for its own good.”

Dom Hemingway

“This is Law’s show and he does enough with this dialogue-driven script to keep things interesting.”

Anna Karenina

“An eye-catching spectacle that breaks the traditional set-up of the cinematic costumed drama.”


“Steven Soderbergh’s deft direction of the sprawling cast…feels breezy and effortless.”

Repo Men

“Laughable…doesn’t have much to fall back on once the blood dries up.”

Sherlock Holmes

“Amped up for a new generation, the storyline is more soupy that scholarly.”