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This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod have slightly different takes on “Marriage Story” and both think “Waves” is two movies mushed into one. Click here to download the episode!
Ep. 139 – Jojo Rabbit, Dolemite Is My Name, The King, and an Austin Film Festival recap
This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Jerrod returns from his Japanese honeymoon to hear about Cody’s time at the Austin Film Festival. They also review Jojo Rabbit, Dolemite Is My Name, and The King. Click here to download the episode!
Ep. 123 – Avengers: Engame spoiler-filled dissection
SPOILER ALERT! This episode of The CineSnob Podcast is a long, lengthy discussion about every aspect of “Avengers: Endgame” and should NOT be listened to unless you have seen the movie. For real, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Click here to download the episode!

“An intimate story where character development and smart dialogue trump everything else.”
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

“A delicious mixture of superheroics and ‘70s-style political thrills.”