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In this week’s episode of The CineSnob Podcast, the guys from CineSnob.net review “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” “Into the Storm,” “I Origins,” and “Ida.” They also discuss the colorization of Alexander Payne’s black and white film “Nebraska,” the upcoming female-led movie based in the “Spider-Man” franchise, and give their recommendations for Netflix instant streaming.
[00:00–01:49] Intro and toast talk.
[01:49-14:30] Epix releasing a colorized version of Alexander Payne’s “Nebraska” against his wishes.
[14:30–26:17] Sony releasing a female-led movie set within the “Spider-Man” franchise.
[26:17-33:54] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
[33:54-39:15] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Spoiler Talk
[39:15-48:05]Â Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wrap-up
[48:05-55:47] Into the Storm
[55:47-1:04:15] I Origins
[1:04:15-1:12:59] Ida
[1:12:59-1:34:03] No Ticket Required – Netflix recommendations and Cody’s Blockbuster case collection
[1:34:03-1:36:34] Teases for next week and close.
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