] The CineSnob Podcast returns with reviews of the latest Quentin Tarantino movie “Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood” and “The Farewell.” Cody and Jerrod also discuss dynamic ticket pricing and Marvel’s Phase 4. Click here to download the episode!

The Great Gatsby

“Baz Luhrmann promises a grand circus and shows up with some really expensive silly string.”

Django Unchained

“A sharply-written spectacle masked as a spaghetti western. Sergio Leone would be proud, traumatized.”


“An intricate offering…that is as frustrating as it is awe-inspiring.”

Shutter Island

“The twist and turns might be sharp, but that doesn’t make them any less dull.”

Revolutionary Road

“Small town suburbia becomes a story of psychological survival between two self-delusional lovers backed into a corner.”

Body of Lies

“Sreenwriter Monahan manages to scramble second-rate political jargon into [a] talky action film.”