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SPOILER ALERT! This episode of The CineSnob Podcast is a long, lengthy discussion about every aspect of “Avengers: Endgame” and should NOT be listened to unless you have seen the movie. For real, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Click here to download the episode!
Deadpool 2

“Should appease fans of the series who get a hard-on for pop culture references and extreme meta humor.”
Ep. 114 – Deadpool 2, and Cody’s evening with the Duplass Brothers
This week on The CineSnob Podcast, Cody and Jerrod review “Deadpool 2,” and Cody recaps An Evening with the Duplass Brothers in Austin. Click here to download the episode!
Ep. 113 – Avengers: Infinity War (SPOILERS start at 10:02)
The CineSnob Podcast RETURNS to discuss the biggest superhero movie ever, “Avengers: Infinity War!” WARNING: Cody and Jerrod talk spoilers starting a 10:02, so tread carefully, true believers! Click here to download the episode!
Hail, Caesar!

“A complete slog that churns its way through its runtime and wastes its spectacular cast.”

“Director Denis Villeneuve isn’t shy about portraying Mexico as an essentially lawless hellhole.”
Inherent Vice

“An off-tempo mess. It’s highly inspired, but author Pynchon is in Anderson’s head and it shows.”
Labor Day

“An extreme disappointment. Ends up being a waste of a lot of great talent.”
Gangster Squad
“A glossed-over crime drama that feels like it’s been pulled straight from the Sunday funnies.”
Men in Black 3
“Recaptures the satirical edge that made the original so enjoyable. The real standout is Josh Brolin.”
True Grit
“Coen brothers give own version of dusty, old-fashioned western with such craftsmanship.”
Josh Brolin – Jonah Hex
“This is a type of movie I’ve never attempted before. The risk became very interesting to me.”